Monday, May 11, 2009

Australian Community Managers' Roundtable

[I was going to apologise as it's been a while since last post, but I've come to the conclusion that as a working mum one should focus on the things we can and do achieve rather than lament those we can't always find the time for... ]

I'm proud to announce that Fairfax Digital is hosting the next Community Managers' Roundtable.

You can read the wrap up of the first event here, which was hosted in Melbourne by Lonely Planet and run by Venessa Paech. Incidentally you can read a brilliant interview with Venessa here which was recently conducted by Community Strategist Angela Connor for her soon to be released book, 18 Rules for Community Engagement.

Australian Community Managers' Roundtable
Friday 12 June 2009
Fairfax Digital
Lvl 2, 1 Darling Island Rd
Pyrmont, Sydney
Contact: Alison Michalk

Footnote: this event is specifically tailored for the *discrete* discussion of community management, not social marketing/networking etc as there are plenty of broader events that address these issues. In the interest of a 'roundtable' numbers will need to be kept to a minimum.